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Welcome to Hangzhou Yingli Automobile Parts Co., Ltd.!

Source: Hangzhou Yingli     Time: 2020-10-22

Established in August 2009, Hangzhou Yingli Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. is an enterprise specializing in mold design and manufacturing, as well as the contour machining, spraying, printing, engraving and assembly of plastic products.

The mold design and manufacturing capacity is 220-300 sets/year, and the mold development cycle is 2-6 weeks; and our core apparatus related to mold manufacturing includes high-speed machining center, electric spark and other numerical control equipment. The range of injection molding processing capacity is within 2400g (600T), and our company now is equipped with 36 sets of 50-600T injection molding machines. Moreover, our company is also equipped with complete testing equipment, including three-D, OGP, projector, moisture tester, melting index tester, furnace temperature tester, colorimeter, dust particle counter, hardness meter, glossiness meter and other testing equipment. Up to now, our company has successively certificated to four systems: ISO 9001, IATF16949, ISO 14001 and ISO13485.

Now, our company provides product processing services for many fields such as the automotive industry, healthcare industry, household electrical appliance industry, IT communication industry and daily necessities industry, etc.

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